My dad keeps telling me how behind he is with all of his wedding videos he still has to finish... I feel the same way with this blog. So here's to you, Dad, and to those known and unknown followers out there gaining insight from my travels. ;) I need a life or death situation or something to keep this blog a rollin' like the pit and the pendulum haha. Anyway, I will try to catch you up on my past 2 weeks or so, and from here on out I've vowed to at least write a little something every day, even if it's just for 15 minutes. I at least love being busy here in Spain. There's always something to do. Enough blabbering though. Here's what I've been doing!
Almost 2 weeks ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend an authentic flamenco performance in a pretty much hidden little bar near the edge of the city.
That same week on Friday (el 10 de octubre), Phil, Erika, and I went to another beach. This time we went to Málaga, which is on the Costa de la Sol a.k.a. Mediterranean Sea side. I was crossing my fingers when we boarded the train, because the forecast told me to expect rain, rain, and more rain all day. On the way there, I saw some small mountains off in the distance. The sun was rising and breaking through the clouds, fighting to bring all of us daylight. It was breath-taking, but I couldn't get any good pictures through the train window. There was an interesting red splatter spot on the window that made me wonder if the conductor possibly hit someone...just kidding. We arrived at Málaga and it was cloudy and extremely windy; not too promising at first. We first visited a Cathedral. "Cuando en España..." It was big...of grandieur know how those Catholics are... Check out some of the pictures when I upload the album. =)
After descending from the fortress, we saw ruins of an ancient Roman outdoor amphitheatre..."This is older than the United States..." I keep telling myself with all the amazing stuff I see: the ruins, the cathedrals, the cobbled stones I walk on down winding streets, the buildings... SO much history.
After that, we went to a Pablo Picasso's museum in Málaga. Oh...forgot to tell you... It's the birthplace of Picasso! (Antonio Banderas too...) Some of his artwork made me think "Wow I wish I was famous just by drawing/painting like this!" He really was an innovator though. Pablo Picasso, I salute you.
The rest of the day was spent sitting at the beach with the vicious waves crashing in caused by the Mediterranean winds. It was pretty sweet. The water was definitely chilly, but some crazies still attempted to swim. We all just layed there with our iPods listening to our favorite music and taking it in. Another relaxing day after a long, fun week. Mom and Emily, you might notice a little 'pug-nosed pup' that ran up to me and started licking me. I barely had time to pull out my camera and capture the culprit before he scurried away... "Otis Otis Otis Otis..." =)
We took the train home after that and had already decided to go out on the town together when we arrived in Seville, so we went to our favorite bar/restaurant, La Abaceria, and enjoyed some of the best main courses Spain has to offer.
The rest of the weekend in Seville was definitely rain, rain, and more rain... Saturday night I went to see the movie "Quemar Después de Leer," or "Burn After Reading," for those of you Cohen Bros fans out there. I'm sure it English, because I thought it Spanish haha. I walked around the city after that, just listening to some chill music and knowing it was IC's homecoming that night. It goes without saying I was very homesick. I miss you all back at home!
One weekend blog down, another week/weekend to go. I'm going to get this thing caught up. For now though, I have to go to the University. ¡Adios!