Sunday, April 12, 2009


I just finished watching the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. GREAT MOVIE.

So I don't usually record the random little happenings that always make me wonder "coincidence? or something more?" but something brought me to this blog to write again, so what the hell...

So there's this line in the movie where the two lovers, who both have their memories of each other erased, via some new scientific process, but even that can't do the trick. "Meet me in Montauk..." is the line. It's symbolic. Like I said, just watch the movie. It's worth your time.

So I was surfing the web checking out Rainn Wilson's twitter page, which led me to his sweet site (check that out as well!), which led me to a discussion page about the pursuit of happiness. Long story short... I found myself reading an article in which one of the lines read "...we can accurately predict that we'd rather be stuck in Montauk than in a Midtown elevator..." It was simple, yet it struck one of those "whoa" chords in me.

I had never even heard of Montauk before tonight, and then I hear it twice within the same hour. Coincidence? Or something more? I'll let you decide. I thought it was refreshingly randomly cool.

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