Saturday, September 20, 2008
Let the adventure begin...
... Here we go... More like here Ryan goes. The time has come. I'm on my way to Spain! Seville to be exact. To be more exact, it's pronounced "Say-VEE-uh." There's your first Spanish word of the day. So I just flew out of STL on my way to Philly and then I'll be hopping the pond to Spain! Voy a estar alli para un semestre. Three months in a new place, a foreign world, an undiscovered magical country! Well... not QUITE undiscovered... but to ME at least! I left my life in the midwestern US to... what do great writers say here... discover unknown truths, find my 'calling'...whatever works for you. All I am going to say is I am ready for one helluva ride! Highlights already: I talked to a ven
erable old man at the STL airport about running track. He saw me in my 8 year old comfy track t-shirt that still fits me. You hav
e to love it when someone refers to races in yards. 'I used to love running the 440...' I flew out of STL and captured some aerial pictures of SIUE, Litchfield, and Greenville (for Emily!) that you can see here. (Click on each to see a better view) The Litchfield one is almost too far away to make out anything, but if you look hard you will see I-55 and the 2 water towers and Lake Lou Yaegar on the far right. For now, I am just listening to some tunes and anxiously awaiting my arrival in Spain! Eso es el primer dia! !Viva a Espana!
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