Well I'm already two days behind on my blog, so I'm dedicating my free afternoon to updating my life in Seville the past two days. Wow. Wow. Wow. Or as the Spaniards say, "Ay ay ay..." It's more amazing here each day. First, I need to discuss with you the schedule that the Sevillanos follow compared to the US so you're not confused at when I do the activities that I do. Breakfast is around 10 en mi casa, lunch is at 2:30, and dinner is at 9:30. After lunch, many businesses close down for...literally...nap time. "Una siesta." For 2 or 3 hours, it's rest time in Seville. The whole city doesn't stop what it's doing, but many people personally honor the time period with rest. It's wonderful. I remember all those days back in high school... freshman year biology right after lunch... sometimes I could barely stay awake!
Ok so this blog is dedicated to two nights ago. After dinner at 9:30, I decided to walk around Seville and take some nighttime pictures of various historical places. It was beautiful. I stopped at a few restaurants along the way to have a cruzcampo, which if you read one of my previos blogs, you know that it's the town favorite here. I must note something about drinking over here. "No es una cosa mala." aka It's not bad. First off, the drinking age is 18, but that still doesn't matter to the Sevillanos. They don't view drinking as a vice. You don't see drunkards in bars everywhere. What you see is people, young and old, out having a good time with their friends. Most of the time with their drinks they are having 'tapas' which are small servings of food. Most of them are 'deliciosos.' The point I'm trying to make is that no one here has the mentality of "Let's get drunk tonight," which I know many Americans have. Our drinking age will probably never get lowered to 18 because I don't think we will ever grow out of that mentality, which is sad. The purpose of the nightlife in Seville is going out with your friends, finding new places to eat, meeting new people, and just having a damn good time. They actually view a lot of drinking at once as an insult to them. Hello, culture shock. At one restaurant, I sat outside and watched a group of men who all had to be at least 70, and they were talking and laughing about many different things, and it was beautiful and really had me wishing my friends and I could have be doing the same at that moment.
So like I said, I walked around Seville from around 10:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. taking pictures. I will show you and tell you about some of them here.

The first one we have is the Seville Cathedral (above). Huge is an understatement. I can't fit a picture of the entire building in one photo. It has a really tall tower called "La Giralda" that is on the other side. You can see the tip of it in this picture in the middle on the top (the brightest spire). This cathedral was constructed in the late 12th century and is claimed to be the largest Catholic/medieval/Gothic cathedral in the world. "It's huge! It's huge! And boy, is it ever big..."

Here's another picture (above) of a part of the cathedral, this one of "La puerta de la Ascencion." Above the door in stone and hard to see here is a beautiful relief of the Assumption of the Virgin. I have yet to go in this church yet, but it's high up on my list of things to do!

Above is a picture of a plaza outside of "El Banco de Espana." The bank is just to the right of the picture and you can see it in my "Cena y una pelicula" blog. There are many people around this area during the day because the shopping district is very close to here.

Above we have the "Iglesia de Santa Catalina." I stumbled upon this gem on my way back toward my house. Notice the moped sitting outside. I must note that mopeds are EVERYWHERE in Seville. They own the streets. They drive everywhere. They park anywhere. I wish I had one haha.
Anyway, that concludes my night-time adventure for that specific day. These pictures were the best of the best that I took. I hope you enjoy keeping up with my blog. I'm trying my best to keep it interesting and informative. Now time to work on yesterday's blog! Adios!
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