3:00 p.m. el 2 de noviembre
How do I start to describe the perfectly sublime weekend I just had in Alicante, Spain? It's too surreal. I'll try my best. The setup: 6 IC students meeting up in a foreign country to feel a little more at home. 6 near strangers who united and ended up the best of friends... The pink sheets chained-door leopard furniture roommate who shared the same sentiments as me about our semester already. The new friend who has an extreme addiction to "The Office" as much as me. The birthday girl (nuff said). The old Spanish class buddy who I found out is a blast to hang out with and talk to. The "quiet" "innocent" little girlfriend of my old RA. And myself. 6 of us...together...just for a weekend. A weekend to forget our troubles and to remember how to have fun. A weekend to realize sometimes you have to travel thousands of miles from home to connect with the people that live a shout from each other on The Hilltop. A weekend to remember how to really share a GOOD laugh... 6 strangers...now 6 friends...forever. I didn't want to leave. I'm already excited for our next reunion. I have come to realize the bitter sweetness of homesickness since coming to Spain. We all SHOULD miss home every now and then. It tells us we're loved. It tells us somewhere out there, someone can't WAIT to see us again, and we can't WAIT to see them. I'll say this. If Illinois College didn't have anything else, it has one thing: AMAZING people! And if you don't think you have anything, you're wrong. You have love. Love to give. Love to receive. Maybe it's right next door. Maybe it's thousands of miles away. Either way, you'll find it. I did, and it's the sweetest thing. 6 unlikely friends...Thousands of miles from normal... Home. =)

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